Global Single Trip Summary Of Cover

Daily Telegraph - featured product by "Ask the Expert"

Featured on Martin Lewis website

Insurance Age - Global Travel Insurance designed for a new age!


GLOBAL SINGLE TRIP is designed to cover

* Any type of travel including Cruises

  • All persons up to the age of 80 years (If you are aged 81 and over, or require more than £2000 cancellation cover,  please consider our Global Free Spirit product or call us for an alternative quotation)
  • Pre exisitng health conditions (see Health Declaration)
  • Trip duration up to 365 days






If you are only travelling within the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man during your trip, it is a condition of this policy  that you can comply with the following:
1. You are fit to travel and undertake your planned trip.
2. Following any claim investigation, your doctor confirms they would have agreed with or recommended your travel plans when you took out this policy, booked your trip or at the time you travelled (whichever is later).
3. You are not travelling with the purpose of having medical treatment or a consultation.
4. You are not awaiting the outcome of any medical tests or an appointment at a medical facility for any medical investigations.
If you are unsure whether we will be able to provide cover for your medical condition(s), please contact the Customer Service team on 01903 235042 for further advice.


You will not be covered for any claims arising as a direct or indirect result of a pre-existing medical condition if, in the 12 months before taking out this policy or booking your trip (whichever is later), you:
• were referred for tests, investigations, treatment or surgery, or were awaiting the results of any referral;
• attended or were due to attend a hospital or clinic as an out-patient or in-patient;
• consulted a medical practitioner for a medical condition; or
• received treatment, including prescribed medication;

unless the condition(s) has (have) been declared to and accepted by us in writing.

You should contact the Medical Screening Team by calling them on 02392 419897 if (a) you need to declare a medical condition; (b) you are unsure whether a medical condition needs to be declared or not.

In the event that you are not accepted for cover having been screened, we may be able to offer you alternative cover. Please CLICK HERE



If your health changes after taking out this policy and before your trip, you do not need to tell us about the changes, as long as your doctor has confirmed that you are fit to travel. Medical condition(s) that you declared, which we are able to cover, are shown in the ‘Medical Screening Declaration’ that we will send to you. You need to check this information carefully and contact us if there is anything wrong or if you need to declare any other conditions. Please let us know within 14 days and be aware that any changes to the original declaration, particularly if declaring another medical condition, could affect our decision to cover you, or may mean an extra premium has to be paid. Based on any extra medical information you provide, we will confirm if cover can be offered for your declared medical condition(s), and/or if an extra premium needs to be paid. If an extra premium is required, cover will not start until this has been paid and we have issued written confirmation.




AREA 1. UNITED KINGDOM - England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man. Any British Isles or UK Cruises are rated as Area 2.

AREA 2. EUROPE - Continental Europe, Mediterranean islands, the Channel Islands, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Madeira, Canary Islands, the Azores, the Republic of Ireland, Iceland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.  (Persons residing in the Channel Islands need to pay Area 2 rates for UK trips).

AREA 3. WORLDWIDE - All countries outside of the above except North America Central America & The Caribbean

AREA 4. NORTH AMERICA, Central America & The Caribbean

Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Canada, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Greenland, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, The Caribbean Islands, United States of America.

Note: You will not be covered if you do not follow any advice or recommendation made by any of the following: the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), World Health Organization (WHO) or any government or official authority at any destination you are travelling from through or to. For further details on FCDO travel advice visit



This insurance covers your being diagnosed with or being exposed to any epidemic or pandemic disease including COVID-19 resulting in claims arising for cancellation, curtailment and medical expenses.
Our Covid cover is amongst the best available as it includes being required to isolate by Government or Public Authority.




The following table sets out the sections of the policy with the upper limit of cover and policy excess. For full details of the cover provided please see the Summary of Cover or full policy document.

Inner limits: Some sections of cover also have extra sub-limits, for example the personal accident section has a benefit limit depending on the age of the insured person





A - Trip Cancellation £2,000 £75
B - Trip interruption £2,000 £75
C - Travel delay £500 Nil
D – Baggage       £2,000 £75
E - Baggage delay £200 Nil
F - Emergency medical/dental cover abroad        £5 million £75
G - Emergency transport Reasonable costs £75
H - Personal liability £1 million £250
I - Travel accident £10,000 Nil
J - Travel services during your trip Included Nil
K - Loss of travel documents £500 Nil
L - Personal money £250 £75
M – Legal expenses £10,000 £250
Optional Additional Cover (When extra premium paid)    
N - Cruise cover up to £1,000 Nil



The cover under this policy is only available to United Kingdom residents being defined as: A person who has their main home and is registered with a doctor in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man and has not spent more than six months abroad during the year before the policy was issued.


This insurance is suitable for single round trips starting and finishing in the UK & Channel Islands of no more than 365 days duration, for persons whose age is 80 years or less on the date of purchase.


You may cancel the policy within 14 days (the cancellation period) of receipt of the policy documents by writing and returning your documents to Global Travel Insurance Services. Any premium already paid will be refunded to you providing you have not travelled, no claim has been made or is intended to be made and no incident likely to give rise to a claim has occurred.  Cancellation outside the statutory period: You may cancel this policy at any time after the cancellation period by writing to Global Travel Insurance Services. If you cancel after the cancellation period no premium refund will be made.  Non payment of premiums: We reserve the right to cancel this policy immediately in the event of non payment of the premium.

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