Obtaining your quotation is quick and easy! Once you have given us details of your trip details we will confirm your quotation. You will also receive an email confirming the quotation. Please be aware that prices are subject to change at any time so please arrange your insurance using the quote reference provided as soon as possible or obtain a further quotation at a later date.
There are just 3 simple steps to make sure sure that your quotation is correct and suitable for your trip.
Please note that terms conditions and exclusions apply, please carefully check your policy documents.
The following range of insurance products have their own requirements for insuring pre existing health conditions. If you are concerned about your pre existing health conditions we suggest that you review the Summary Of Cover by clicking on the blue box at the foot of the page after you have entered your details. You can also review the requirements by using the POLICIES menu at the top of the page .
In general terms, if you are on a waiting list, that health condition will not be covered, or if you have an undiagnosed medical condition.
QUOTATIONS remain valid for acceptance for 24 hours. Prices include Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) currently at 20%.
DONT FORGET to save and/or print your policy details before closing your browser.
THANK YOU for choosing Global Travel Insurance.